
2014-11-07 16:43:27 | 编辑:无 | 有1541人参与 | 来自:匿名


科技类: Someone think that robots are very important to humans' future developmentothers thought that they are dangerous and have negative effects on society. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 有的人认为机器人对于人类的未来很重要,有人认为机器人很危险,对于社会有负面影响,讨论两方观点,给出你的意见?

Nowadays, people perform their everyday tasks, such as banking, shopping as well as business transactions, without the need of meeting other people face to face. What are the possible effects of the phenomenon on the individual and the society as a whole?  现在很多人可以通过网络做很多时期,例如购物和交易,这对于个人和社会的影响是什么?

教育类: Some people believe the aim of university education function is to prepare the students for employment, but others believe university education have many other functions. Discuss both viewpoints and give your own opinion.有人觉得大学教育的功能是学生们为就业做好准备,有人觉得大学教育还有其他的功能,讨论两方面,给出你的观点.

社会类: Some people believe that they should be able to keep all the money they earn and should not pay tax to the state. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为自己应该保留所有的工资,不用缴税是否同意?

广告类: Nowadays, customers are facing increasing advertisements with the competition of different companies. To what extent do you think customers are influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect the customers?  现在广告愈来愈多,广告在多大的程度上影响了消费者,如何保护消费者?

犯罪类: Sending criminals to prison is not the effective method to deal with them. Education and job training should be used instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 将犯罪分子送进监狱不是有效的方式解决犯罪,我们应该给他们提供接受教育和工作培训的机会,是否认同?

环保类: Development in technology leads to environmental problems, and some people think that the solution to these problems is for everyone to lead a simpler way of life, while others say that technology can solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 高科技发展导致环境污染,保护环境是要人们过简单生活还是依赖科技?

交通能源类: The best way to solve the environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 增加油料的价格是解决环境污染的最佳途径?

政府类: Some people say that governments should pay for the health care and education but other people say that it is not the governments' responsibility. Discuss the both viewpoints and give your opinion.  政府该不该为教育和医疗买单。

抽象类: In some countries, young people are not only richer but also safer and healthier than ever before. However, they are less happy. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? 在一些国家,年轻人更加富有,安全,健康,但是,他们还是不......





l Overall this graph gives evidence that Australia’s share of Japan’s tourist market has been on the rise and will continue to do so.3 Test 1 Writing


l The apparent simplicity of Indian ways of life has been judges an evolutionary adaption to forest ecology, living proof that Amazonia could not, and cannot, sustain a more complex society.3 Test 3 Reading





   1. 相当于中文破折号后面的东西,起着解释说明的作用。

   2. 省略掉完全不影响整个句子内容。


   例:The future belongs to you young people. 未来属于你们年轻人。



   answer, belief, certainty, conclusion, decision, desire, doubt, dream, evidence, fast, fear, feeling, hope, idea, information, instruction, message, news, order, possibility, problem, promise, question, reply, report, rule, rumor, suggestion, thought/ truth, warning.



   After weighing both the advantages and disadvantages carefully, we can come to the conclusion safely that there is no point in spending large amounts of taxpayers’ money on cultural preservation.















   Eg1:Competition is not only good in itself, it is the means by which other basic American values such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity and hard work are protected.

   结构:全句有3个谓语动词:is, isare protected。其中主句的是:is, is。全句由两个有递进关系的单句构成。其中,which引导的是定语从句,修饰the means。句子可被拆分为:

     1. Competition is not only good in itself.

     2. It is the means.

     3. Other basic American values such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity and hard work are protected by these means.


   Eg2:Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greatly intellectual development

   这个句子看起来非常复杂,但不难辨认出整个句子的主语是Behaviorists (行为学者),谓语是动词suggest, 宾语是一个较长的宾语从句。

   在这个宾语从句中,主语就是the child,接着出现了三个代词———who. where which,这些是非常明显的定语从句的关系代词,所以这里可以判断出连着出现了三个定语从句,一个套着一个,修饰了三个名词成分。而在这三个定语从句后面出现的唯一一个动词无疑就是整个宾语从句的谓语了,也就是will experience,当然后面接的development也就是宾语从句中的宾语了。








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