2014-07-16 10:32:31 | 编辑:无 | 有3245人参与 | 来自:匿名雅思写作中很多文章都是陈述考生对某一问题的观点和看法, 支不支持或者赞不赞成,这都需要考生们对讨论话题的正反面进行充分理由陈述,而很多人反映有的时候对于某一问题不知道从何分析它的理由,本篇文章环球教育小编将为大家介绍雅思写作中十大常用的理由帮助大家扩充写作内容。
1 公平fair/unfair
It is fair/reasonable to do sth.
It is one's duty/responsibility/obligation to do sth.
Sb. have/has the duty/responsibility/obligation to do sth.
it is an unfair/unreasonable practice to do sth.
3 经验 experience
4 成就 achievement
5 效率 efficiency
6 健康 physical health身体健康,上网对身体健康也不好,一些对应的词,我给大家总结。有这个思路,涉及到一些常用的词,近视、脊背疼痛、糖尿病、肺癌、心脏病,久坐不动的生活方式。
be harmful/detrimental to/for one's physical health
lead to serious diseases such as heart disease and lung cancer
result in near-sightedness
ignore/neglect outdoor activities
7 节俭 thrift(or save money)
8 安全 Safe/dangerous
ensure/guarantee a safe environment
pose threat to sb./sth.
face risks
9 权利(right)权利这个也有好多,一般中国学生不太维护自己的权利,有的时候不太容易想出这个思路来,其实这个好多题目都能用上。吸引彻底禁止的话,我就可以说侵犯了吸引者的权益。拿动物做实验,动物也有生存的权利,把犯罪分子关到监狱里就侵犯了犯罪分子的权利,放出来,就侵犯了受害者的权利。
10 娱乐Entertainment
bring sb. a lot of entertainments
enrich our cultural life
make our life colorfu
psychological health
suffer from great pressure
tend to be lonely and isolated
there are violent and obscene items available
be beneficial/conducive to/for one's psychological/mental health
12. 金钱Money比如说省钱费钱,比如说吸烟是费钱的,花钱买烟,花钱抽烟得病,还得治病,国家也得花很多钱,研究疾病,治疗病人。但是反方面也不应该禁止,它给国家贡献税收,解决就业问题。还有时间、速度、效率等等。
lay a heavy/great financial burden on
release the financial burden of
contribute much to the government's revenue
create economic profits