
2014-08-09 08:34:31 | 编辑:无 | 有3338人参与 | 来自:匿名

在雅思口语part 2考试中,面对一些如电影、音乐等非常熟悉的话题,有些学生常常哑而无语,显得非常无奈。实际上,雅思口语媒体类话题是雅思口语考试中非常高频的话题,并且也是学生非常感兴趣的话题,如果考试的时候恰好碰到媒体类话题,并且在备考阶段也练习过相关话题,那么在口语考试中必然如鱼得水,下面就由环球教育韩亮老师为考生详细介绍下雅思口语part 2中电影话题的解题思路和范文,希望各考生有所收获。

Describe a film you enjoyed
You should say
What type of film it was
When and where you saw it
What the film is about
And explain why this film left such an impression on you.
在雅思口语part 2这一部分,答题的框架以及话题词汇是非常关键的两个因素。就这个话题来说,我们可以首先确定一个思路框架,再在框架里面填充相应内容。
A 思维公式
确定话题思路框架的目的主要有两点,一是让整个表达内容显得有条理、有逻辑,二是避免在陈述的后半阶段因为思路不清晰而终止继续描述该话题。因此,建议考生们在part 2这一部分首先确定好话题框架和思路,在记笔记阶段顺着思路记录相应关键词,最后在表述阶段将关键词串联起来。该话题比较推荐的思路框架为:引入话题----电影内容---喜欢原因---结束话题。区别于其他话题,电影类话题在内容和喜欢原因这两方面应该出现与电影相关的要素,比如电影内容可以有演员阵容的介绍和故事情节串联,而喜欢原因可以包括电影的视觉音响效果和主题等方面组成。如此就组成了一个比较完整的话题框架:30秒核心内容和)30秒
1. 引入话题
2. 电影类型(原因)30秒
3. 时间地点(为什么是这个时间看,为什么在这家电影院看)
4. 电影内容(说总体内容,故事梗概)30秒
5. 喜欢原因(视觉音效+屏幕大+爆米花+冰可乐,最重要 故事
6. 结束话题
B 填充内容
blockbuster 轰动
box-office hit 票房成功
It is based on the true story of...由真实故事改编
It is adopted from the best-selling novel...选择畅销小说
genre: adventurous drama film/literary/comedy/musical/
romantic/science fiction
cast: leading role/director/supporting actor/walker-on/
storyline/plot 故事情节
The storyline revolves around...围绕...为中心
audio and visual effects/special effect/high technology/3D
incredible/appealing/shocking/striking 难以置信的/吸引人的/震撼的/惊人的
thought-provoking/inspirational/breathtaking 发人深省的/鼓舞人心的/令人激动的
The film that has left a deep impression on me is Life of Pi. It was released last year. Life of Pi is a 3D computer-animated adventure drama film based on Yann Martel’s 2001 novel of the same name. It has won four Academy Awards. Also it made a box office hit in 2012 and has become an international blockbuster since then.
Secondly, I would like to talk about when and where I went to see it. It was a Friday, I had just finished my tests, three tests, I felt very tired, so I telephoned my friend and ask him to come with me and we went to the most popular cinema near where I live. We had a lot f popcorn and some iced cola. We had a great time there. That is also what I am going to talk about now. The movie is fantastic.
Well, the storyline revolves around a 16-year-old Indian boy named Pi who survives a shipwreck in which his family dies, and is stranded in the Pacific Ocean on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.
Finally, I want to talk about what I like about this movie. I appreciate the film a lot because it has breathtaking sound and visual effects based on 3D high technology. Besides, I regard the theme is about belief and humanity, which also reveals the initial calls for love and care. I think that is pretty thought-provoking and impressive, so that’s the film I want to talk about today, thank you.







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