2015-01-21 14:12:38 | 编辑:无 | 有1353人参与 | 来自:匿名2014年6月15日托福写作机经
综合写作 |
CFLs与传统灯泡的比较。 |
阅读观点:CFLs 不如传统灯泡。理由为 |
1 昂贵 |
2 有害环境释放mercury |
3 光线对眼睛不好 |
听力观点:Disagree 逐点反驳 |
1 昂贵是事实,但是CFLs使用时间更长,考虑到长寿命的话,昂贵的因素可以被抵消,实际上应该更加便宜。 |
2 释放mercury也是事实。但是传统灯泡释放更多的mercury。因为传统灯泡需要消耗更多的电能,而电能的产生需要燃烧更多的燃料,从而释放更多的mercury到环境中 |
3 光线的问题在新型的CFLs已经得到解决。通过采用新型的技术,CFLs可以产生与传统灯泡无差异的光线。 |
独立写作 |
Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the way a person dresses is a good indication of his/her personality and character |
独立写作: people who cannot accept critcism from others will not be successful at working in a group.
Reading: establish a international fund
3 benefits: 1. Preventing agricultural damage 2. Develop forest village
3. Promoting biodiversity
1. Limited farm land-intensive farming ways-damage to lands
2. Money goes to real landowners and central government but not people who live in the forest
3. No biodiversity. Example: only signal species like robber trees and oil palm trees for commercial usage. No positive impact on biodiversity.
2014年06月28日托福独立写作分析 | |
题目 | Do you agree or disagree with the following statement ? The best way to reduce air pollution is for the government to raise the cost of fuel. |
.简析 | 看到这道题上过模串班或者来听预测讲座的童鞋有木有很激动,这道题是2013年4月27号的真题,一模一样,一个字都没有改,所有这就证明了机经的重要性以及来听我们讲座的重要性了,参考理由如下: |
参考思路 | 1.诚然增加燃料成本在一定程度上有助于限制一定量的交通工具的使用,但是这并不是解决这个空气污染的最好方法。 |
2. 就空气污染的来源来说,我们可以采取创新新的节能减排的燃料来源。可以加上一些实在的例子。 | |
3. 就保护空气来说,我们可以通过绿化等一些对能有效保护好环境的方法来减少空气污染。 |
1.To remain happy and optimistic when u fail is more important than achieving success.
2.How to address the decline of aquatic life.
1.dodo bird的灭绝
2.people should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are different from what they do in work
独立作文:young people should try several different job before they decide their long-term job or career
综合作文:如何控制rootworms,他们危害到了corn crops
2014年8月16号:1.The most important investment for a big company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees.
2.Species Substitution
独立写作:young people are more likely to give time and energy to improve the world than young people were in the past
综合写作:traffic cameras不好:1.不能像交警一下立即stop dangerous behaviour 2. inconsistence 3.设置在intersection会容易导致collision, lecture:1.真正问题不是immediate intervention而是change beahabiour,二姐交警拦人的时候别的车超速他根本都看不见2. 交警人力花费大,覆盖面还不如cameras广3.有了camera 司机更谨慎
B套:综合写作:reading是一个湿地面临危险,因为invasive plant入侵,干旱,mercury的level增加而环境危险。然后教授提了三点分别解决这个三个问题。听力说入侵是因为过度施肥土壤变的更适合入侵植物,所以少施肥就行。干旱是因为人工channel把水引走了,remove一些管道就行。汞污染是因为燃烧了含高汞的煤,所以改为烧低汞的煤就行。
独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people's lives have already taken place.
2.他们总是straight move,说明是看到外面有标志external object指导他们往哪里游,在海上就只能是星星了。
3.他们有种行为叫spy-hopping,总是把头露出海面,来观察星星。听力: 1.聪明和会用星星导航没啥必然联系,有种鸭子也会用星星导航,但是他们很笨啊,所以这种技能是天生的,和聪明不聪明没关系。
2.除了external,还有internal。鲸鱼有 biomagnetite,能感受地球磁场,通过地球磁场来导航。
独立写作:A/D: the ability to maintain a small number of friends for a long time is more important to happiness than the ability to make new friends easily.
Friends are those who see us through in all the ups and downs of our lives. While new acquaintances often bring surprises and vitality, to maintain a close relationship with a couple of old friends can never be easy. As for me, to nourish a long-lasting friendship is of more importance.
The first reason is that to keep an old friend close has to stand the test of time. Fresh affection can always be exciting, but it wouldn't be long before certain problems show up and two people no longer see eye to eye. Studies have shown that for the first three months everything goes well, but after the honeymoon period, any relationship has to face disagreements and divergences. As a problem-free friendship is non-existent, the ability to reconcile and the willingness to make compromise would mean a lot. I met Tina ten years ago when we both were invited to a local gallery opening. Both passionate about paintings and sculpture, we found us share a lot in common and hit it off quite soon. Naturally, two art lovers become close friends and later on we chose to be roommates. That's when we realized it took a lot more than just a common interest to stay friends. She had a dog but I was allergic to animal fur; and she enjoyed Rock'n Roll while loud music gave me nothing but a headache. Different lifestyle gives us fresh perspective at first, but turns into the source of every argument after the first year. If we chose to part ways, we could spare both some inconvenience but ended up looking for new companions. Instead, we had some serious talks about ways we wanted things to be. Then she gave her dog up for adoption and I learnt to make peace with heavy metal music. In this decade-long friendship, we all made compromises, which was hard but was all worthwhile in the end.
Besides, it is old friends that lend a hand whenever one is in trouble. It is true the ability to make new friends is a good indication of personal charm and popularity, but it takes some effort for the newly acquainted to build a real bond. We can only trust those who once shared joys and sorrows all together. That's something old friends can do for you. A business man may have no trouble making friends on banquets, dining and wining. They all seem happy and content, just to spend the night talking about business deals and trade leads. After the business dinner, very few would give a call to anyone, especially if it is a private matter. That's because people are quite aware of the fact that newly acquainted business partner cannot be trusted. They would feel more comfortable calling an old friend, who knows it all, and all the small talks could be spared. All of this couldn't have been possible if one were lousy at maintaining long-lasting friendships.
To sum up, keeping old friends close entails time and efforts, but it matters more because it pays off in ways new friends cannot possibly achieve.
独立写作:Agree or disagree that younger school children should be required to study art and music in addition to study math, language, science, and history
综写写作Agricultural subsidies 文章:1. Lower the price of crops 2solve the issue of world hunger .3.ensure job security 针对这三点反驳。
2014年9月21日独立作文:It is no good for people moving to a new town or country because we lose our old friends.
独立写作:Agree or disagree that younger school children should be required to study art and music in addition to study math, language, science, and history
2014年9月21日独立作文:It is no good for people moving to a new town or country because we lose our old friends.